“Mapping out the Wine World” Tasting Event at Weincampus Neustadt
Thursday a week ago - on 21.07.2022 - we from Genie Enterprise were given the opportunity to accompany the tasting event under the motto "Mapping out the Wine World".
To correctly interpret the sensor data that our project partners from the research project "PINOT" (Projekt zur Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz für die Oenologie und Technologie im Weinbau) will soon receive from their first experimental setup, a human sensory panel was first necessary for verification. Means concretely, we must collect data from wine experts and analyze them and compare them with the data of the sensors in the later course.
For this reason, we invited wine experts to the wine campus in Neustadt to support us in this project.
In collaboration with the wine campus, we as team of Genie Enterprise have selected 48 wines that best represent the diversity of grape varieties, growing region (climate) and wine style in their extremes.
We focused on 6 grape varieties - Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah/Shiraz.
After an introduction to the tasting procedure by our consortium leader Prof. Dr. Durner from Weincampus, all 48 wines were first evaluated blind in black glasses solely on their aroma in the nose. The participants were provided with a digital tool for this purpose, with which they were to evaluate the intensity of a total of 17 aroma descriptors.
In the second session, after a one-hour lunch break, each participant had to taste 24 randomized wine samples in regular wine glasses. In addition to the smell, the color attributes and the taste were now also evaluated.
In the third session in the afternoon, the participants were again given 24 other randomized wines and, this time, however, with a list that revealed the growing region and grape variety.
Finally, the identity of all the wines was revealed and there was an opportunity to compare individual impressions and exchange ideas with each other once again.
Revealing the wines
For the research project, we were thus able to obtain data that showed us, on the one hand, how strongly human, subjective evaluations differ from one another and, on the other hand, how much the evaluation is influenced by existing knowledge.
We from Team Genie are already looking forward to the next tasting event within the scope of the research project and would like to thank everyone who supported us and the team from Weincampus so actively on this day!